Click to Download Life Offering Document NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES Vancouver, British Columbia / February 3, 2025 – Xander Resources Inc. (“Xander” or the “Company”) (TSXV: XND) (FSX: 1XI) is pleased to...
News Release
This Quebec Gold Explorer Has Exciting Results to Share

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Despite ongoing volatility, Gold prices have been trending higher, telling a long-term bullish story that has investors excited for the next chapter…
…Junior exploration firm Xander Resources Inc. (TSX-V: XND, FSE: 1XI, Forum) is excited to share its narrative. Focused on developing accretive gold properties within Canada, XND’s current focus targets projects located within the Province of Quebec, near the gold mining centre of Val-d’Or and in Fenelon Gold Camp by Wallbridge Mining (TSX: WM).
On August 27th, 2020, the Company announced that the Permitting on its 100% owned Blue Ribbon Property in the Fenelon Gold camp had been approved. The Property is located about 11km south-west of the Wallbridge Mining Fenelon Gold Project. The Property borders Probe Metals, Midland Exploration and Great Thunder Gold.
The advanced Permitting will enable Xander Resources to accelerate the exploration program with heavy machinery to clear and clean in an area of outcrop hosting the Remick trench Gold showing, and to undertake a thorough program of exposing and expanding the trench and surrounding area. A Magnetic Geophysical Survey will also be undertaken.
Xander Resource’s Dwayne Yaretz, the Corporate Secretary, Former CEO and Director of Communications took time out of his busy schedule to speak with Stockhouse Editorial to break down the activity on their properties and what investors should look out for over the coming months.
Thank you for joining us today. Xander Resources recently announced that work at the Blue Ribbon Property is advancing well, with a potentially prosperous gold zone discovered. Can you give us a quick rundown of what has been found here, some top highlights?
It is my pleasure to talk about Xander Resources, which has recently transformed itself into a contending Junior Mining Resource Exploration Company. Xander had the fortitude to get into the Gold Exploration much sooner than most in 2020. Finding the right Properties in Fenelon and Val d’ Or and putting the packages together takes a lot of lead time, commitment and research.A number of big discovers have been made by finding Gold on surface along the Abitibi Greenstone Belt.
Xander Resources is the only company in the entire Fenelon Camp to have Gold showings on surface as most of the area is covered in overburden. Xander is confident that the old Gold trench has been found, described by government geologist Jerome Remick in 1969, who first described the Native Gold showing as a shear zone with ankerite-quartz in sheared diorite with minor sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite) over 100 feet. The occurrence is interpreted as ‘vein type’ mineralization. (refer to Xander press release July 8, 2020).
The area is further confirmed and bolstered by Government Geologist Sylvain Lacroix in 1986 in which he recovered Gold from the site with a value of 8.5 g/t Au!
Roughly a fifth of Canada’s gold mining output comes from Quebec, with Abitibi-Témiscamingue the fourth largest region within the Province, what you expect as work here continues?
The Fenelon Blue Ribbon property is in a prolific Geological setting with a highly successful storied history of major Gold discoveries. Xander Resources believes that the Blue Ribbon property with its Native Gold bearing surface area has significant potential, although the property has been very inaccessible.
Of late the Company has now taken measures to access the site in a cost-effective approach, making the property open to further exploration for a small junior mining company.
For a Geological area rich in Gold and new discoveries made in close proximity to the Blue Ribbon,Xander’s surface Native Gold makes the Blue Ribbon property by far the best next potential new discovery in the Fenelon Camp at this time.
Looking at the Senneville Group of Claims. Xander can acquire 100% of this project, subject to a 2% net smelter royalty returns in the mineral claims. What level of opportunity does this asset represent for the Company?
This opportunity that Xander created for itself would be a wow factor if we were looking through the glass door and someone else had done it. The fact that Xander did it and pulled it off to capture over 90 sq. Km’s in Val d’ Or is nothing short of impressive for this small junior explorer.
This opportunity that Xander created for itself would be a wow factor if we were looking through the glass door and someone else had done it. The fact that Xander did it and pulled it off to capture over 90 sq. Km’s in Val d’ Or is nothing short of impressive for this small junior explorer.
The area Xander represents is worthy of a major player in Val d’ Or and Xander’s goal is to be one.

In any direction from the Senneville Property, both historic and newly recognized occurrences abound, what has your experience with this area been like?
Okay, what a great and frustrating question. Xander had started early on in the Val d’ Or East area as Monarch Gold, Probe and QMX had started to find new areas of Gold mineralization and ultimately now New Gold Discoveries. When trying to put the Val d’ Or packages together, we were hampered from some mining claims, while successful at acquiring others, we didn’t start figuring it out until Probe Metals came out with their new discovery in February 2020 that they announced just a few km’s away from us on the contiguous South part.
We had been fighting Probe Metals on our South end in Val d’ Or East for mining claims. It was shored up by Probe in May 2020 when they announced that Probe had picked up all to the South of our Val d’ Or mining properties!
There are two and a half claims still under dispute with Quebec Government that should be added shortly to the over 90 km sq. area Xander has.
Monarch Gold to the north in Val d’ Or with their McKenzie Break property discovery and Probe to the South with their Val d “or East new discovery, both are contiguous to Xander Resources. QMX is also in close proximity to the South of Xander’s massive claim area with QMX’s impressive new discovery.
The Val d’ Or area still has a lot of discoveries left for Gold. That is why it is called, “The Valley of Gold” for a reason.
Can you give us a bit of a geological background on this region?
The Senneville Claim Groups are located in the eastern part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, about 23 km north of the gold mining centre of Val-d’Or. They comprise 158 claims in three groups which extend from the Lacorne Batholith in the west to the contact area of the Pascalis Batholith in the east. The eastern border of this intrusive is the site of many significant gold showings.
The Senneville Groups are underlain primarily by the Garden Island sediments in the south and in the north by the Lanaudiere Group of basalts, mafic volcaniclastics, and narrow units of komatiite and ultramafic to gabbroic sills. All of these units trend west-northwest and their contacts are usually dextral or reverse dextral faults with steep northerly dips.
Numerous airborne EM and magnetic anomalies which occur as long strings of northwest trending conductors often overlying magnetic trends.
With focusing on developing accretive gold properties, in your experience, what do you predict for the future of this commodity, as gold prices climb ever higher?
At Xander Resources an early start to property acquisitions took place before the recent Gold rally. Xander investors and Board realized the challenging environment and fiscal measures being undertaking by Central Banks across the Globe. With the unfortunate COVID -19 pandemic, this has fast track our Global inevitable thirst for Government debt. Gold in early 2000’s was at $300 per ounce and by 2013 settled in at around the $1,200 per ounce range for a number of Years. At Xander we see Gold prices significantly higher as negative interests rates and record low rates continue to press the case for Gold as a store value of Wealth.
In late July 2020, Xander began a $185,000 non-brokered private placement, what will these funds be earmarked for?
The funds on Xander Resources financing’s in the last few Months totaled over $1 Million Dollars and will be to continue working on Fenelon and the over 90 sq. km’s in Val d’ Or to firm up Gold Showings and advance the knowledge of these significant Geological systems as it pertains to Gold. Further financing for Flow through funding will be raised in order to continue a drill campaign into the Winter of 2021.
In a continued effort to advance your business, Xander recently applied to list its shares on the , what do you anticipate this increased exposure will do for the Company?
Xander is currently listed on the TSX Venture (XND) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (1XI). The listing on the OTC QB will give Xander access to a larger audience in the U.S. and Xander expects to initiate a Marketing campaign immediately upon acceptance, which is anticipated to occur in September 2020.
What kind of news can investors expect on the subject in the near future?
Lot’s of news this Fall and into Winter we hope. Xander is considering Joint Venture agreements on another Gold properties in Quebec. Joint venturing is a great way to explore and shore up more Gold resources as costs are shared, thus easier on future share dilution. Further news on the Fenelon and Val d’ Or mining claims.
Thank you for speaking with us today, anything final to add for investors?
Our pleasure. Xander Resources is looking at a number of candidates for the Board of Directors at this time. Board members will be chosen to aide in Business Development, Financings (in particular Flow through funding in Quebec) and Administration support. While our current Board has achieved a lot in a short order, further changes will be made to support the Companies ambitious efforts and shareholder value in the coming year ahead.
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