Click to Download Life Offering Document NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES Vancouver, British Columbia / February 3, 2025 – Xander Resources Inc. (“Xander” or the “Company”) (TSXV: XND) (FSX: 1XI) is pleased to...
Val-d’Or Gold Camp
Val-d’Or was established in 1923 as a gold rush town. Gold, copper, zinc, lead and lithium are still extracted in the region. After gold was discovered in the area in 1923 Val-d’Or has prospered from dozens of gold mines discovered in the vicinity. The Sigma mine, located within the town’s limits, has been in operation since 1935 and continues to be one of Québec’s richest gold-bearing mines. The Lamaque mine suspended operations in the mid 1980s but this was offset by the discovery of a large reserve of copper, zinc and gold in 1989 and is now known as the Louricourt mine which began production in 1994.
Senneville Claim Group
Xander Resources currently has three separate properties that make up the Senneville Claim Group in the Val-d’Or gold camp within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. To the North the Senneville Claim Group is contiguous to Monarch Mining (formerly Monarch Gold). To the South, the Senneville Claim Group is contiguous to Probe Metals which, on October 20, 2020, announced expansion drilling with four drills currently active on the Pascalis Gold Trend where recent drilling results of 5.9 g/t Au over 9.2 metres were reported. Probe Metals also announced the discovery of two new gold zones, one of which returned 94.1 g/t Au over 0.6 metres.

The Senneville Claim Group comprises of three contiguous properties totalling 171 claims (102 sq km) referenced as Senneville South – 9 claims, Senneville West – 80 claims, and Senneville East – 62 claims. An additional 20 claims have been acquired creating a new total of 171 claims (102 sq km) Senneville East – 82 claims. Closing will occur on or before the fifth day following acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange of notice of the transaction described herein and no later than May 15, 2021. The contact area of the Pascalis Batholith in our East Group of Claims is contiguous to Probe Metals (TSX.V:PRB) and Monarch Mining (TSX:GBAR).
The Senneville East claims are located in the eastern part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, about 30 km north of the gold mining centre of Val-d’Or and extend from just east of Highway 397, where they adjoin the Senneville West and South claims, to the contact area of the Pascalis Batholith.

Senneville East
The Senneville East claims overlie the contact between the Lanaudiere Formation Volcanics and the Pascalis Batholith. The eastern border of this intrusive is the site of many significant gold showings. Apart from the Mackenzie Break deposit, the western side of the intrusive has, to date, not revealed a similar abundance. However, in the government document PRO-91-18, Moorehead J., 1991 p. 4, the first recommendation by the author is that the western boundary of the Batholith contact should be explored between the Mackenzie Break deposit southeast toward Lac Dondin.
The Senneville East claims cover about 7 km of this contact. The extreme southwest corner of the Senneville East ground is underlain by the Garden Island sediments which are primarily wackes, siltstones, and conglomerates. To the south, these are in contact with the narrow eastern end of an east trending salient off the La Corne Batholith. To the north, these sediments are in contact with the Lanaudiere Group which is predominantly basalt and mafic volcaniclastics, within which are narrow units of komatiite, and ultramafic and gabbroic sills. All of these units trend west-northwest and their contacts are usually dextral or reverse dextral faults, with steep dips to the north. Intruded into all these units are northeast trending Proterozoic Diabase dykes.
Senneville South
Previous work on the Senneville south claims includes an old trench approximately 75 meters in length, called the Céré zone, which was excavated in 1946 and returned a value of 49.5 g/t Au (manual sample). In 2012 a drilling program by a previous claim holder focussed on defining the south eastward extension of the Cere gold showing onto the present Senneville East claims. Both the showing and the drill holes are now within the Senneville East claims. Two of three drill holes reported values of 9.79 g/t Au over1metre and 11.03 g/t Au over 1 metre. These intersections remain to be followed up to the southeast.
Utilizing the recent ORIX Geoscience Inc research compilation, the Company’s Geologist’s have completed a ground survey of the Sennenville South claims. Gold-bearing zones in this area are associated with shear zones, faults, tension fractures and tectonic breccias and generally associated with syn-volcanic intrusions (ref: GM68366 garden island report page 24 (section deposit type).
Below is a compilation by ORIX Geoscience Inc of reported historical gold references on the Senneville South claims (Area Map alongside Route 397 Nord, 22 km North East of Val-d’Or).

Senneville West
This 80 claim group is contiguous with the Senneville South claims and is north of, and contiguous to Probe Metals Val-d;Or East project. Probe’s Val-d;Or East project consists of their Pascalis, Monique and Courvan properties. As of June 1, 2021 Probe’s resources have shown large growth improvement over previous estimates. Probe’s current resources stand at 1,773,500 ounces of gold in the Measured & Indicated category (“M&I”) and 2,205,300 ounces of gold in the Inferred. Probe’s drilling has successfully converted an additional 907,200 ounces to the M&I category over previous estimates.
Further south QMX Gold reported on December 2, 2020, a 53% increase in indicated resources and a 100% increase in inferred resources at their Bonnefond South property. Historic anomalous base metal values from drilling and surface sampling on the Senneville West claims are sufficiently encouraging to warrant the drilling of untested geophysical anomalies. Additionally, these values may be the expression of deep mineralization which would require deep penetrating geophysical methods, such as magnetotellurics (MT).
The claims also have PGM potential as they are in proximity to the Fiedmont PGE property to the north, where values from both drilling and surface sampling range from 1.5 to 6.7 g/t PGEs, and gabbros and ultramafics on the property and therefore should be tested for PGEs.
In the northeast segment of the property there are a number of interesting stripped areas thought to be from the 1980’s or 1990’s. No documentation for this work has been found. At this time, it is not known what the stripping was targeting.
Historical Work on Senneville South

2008 Drilling Results Map

Drill Map Locations

VTEM For Senneville Property

Map of Cere Trench